#174870  by pevsfreedom
I've been trying to nail down the Jerry flutter thing he ends a lot of songs with. It's probably my favorite sound he gets when he goes into the kind of crescendo solo's at the end. Any advice on playing this kind of stuff? My guess and trial and error has just been kind of chord tone dyads/triads at breakneck fluttery speed. The ending of the DP18 is a perfect example, he kicks it into extreme gear, then somehow goes up further I think all the way to like the C# at the top of the neck and it sounds like there's nowhere to go then it resolves. I've not seen many videos or references to this style - maybe I'm overthinking it, but I love it. The stuff I'm talking about specifically starts at about 6:58


 #174873  by tdcrjeff
More commonly referred to a "fanning," Morning Dew is a good example. Just a chord or subset (2 or 3 strings, double-stop, triple-stop) as far as notes go, for right hand just strumming really fast.

Starting about 10:40, aud video so kinda dark:
 #174874  by pevsfreedom
Lol. Just finding the term has been a bit hard. I've seen fluttering so went with that, but I like fanning more. Morning Dew is definitely a good example I hear that all the time in that song. You can really see him digging in at the neck there. I've been trying to practice it specifically - though I notice I do it best when I'm not quite paying attention and just playing :biggrin: Thanks.

This is a recording I did years ago that was in the kind of on accident realm but I always loved the fanning sound I got and even though it was years ago I think it's the best example of me personally doing it https://youtu.be/L4yk7NcMZMg?t=297