#85721  by Jon S.
“If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will!” The suddenly bass guitar-less The Thankful Dads seeks bassist with integrity, reliability, and love and musical knowledge of the Dead - everything else negotiable! We have 4 hours of music, vocals (add yours?), and an inspiring Fairfax practice space w/PA: we just need YOU! Drop us a line, let’s see if we can make it happen. :) Jon S. P.S. Even if you yourself aren't a bassist, we'll GRATEFULLY appreciate any and all help in sharing this request near and far with other potentially interested No. VA musicians because you never know where word-of-mouth can lead ...

practice space: http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1600/6 ... 322567.jpg
audio sample: http://home.comcast.net/~billvh/mp3/bigBossMan.mp3
video sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N41SOGs4GGU


 #85729  by Jon S.
Let's not assume we know more about a dude's relationship w/his old lady than he does! Sometimes we live no particular way but our own. Spread the word & let 'em decide for themselves! :P
 #85764  by Chuckles
Jon S. wrote:Let's not assume we know more about a dude's relationship w/his old lady than he does! Sometimes we live no particular way but our own. Spread the word & let 'em decide for themselves! :P
Good point! I'll keep my ears open for ya. 8)