great solo there btw. Peggy-O solo can be entirely played in A major pentatonic which has the same notes as F# minor pentatonic. A and F# minor are the two prominent chords of the song's verses, which is what Jerry solos over. If you are cool with your 7 tone scales, then you can use A Ionian, and F# Aeolian. They contain the same tones but add D (the 4th of A) and G# (the Major 7th of A). Jerry works it kind of like he works Me and My Uncle, emphasizing the mood of each chord as he runs through the same scale. ( In that case G major pentatonic and E minor pent.) What makes Jerry Jerry in my opinion is his timing and his passing tones, he just always seems to tell an amazing, elaborate story over the simplest of two chords. WHen he solos over verses, he starts with the vocal melody, then builds and builds on it. I could go on, but hopefully that can get you going.