#62311  by augustwest75
I'm looking for some informal instruction, maybe once or twice a month, to improve my playing. I've been playing on and off now for about 10 years, but I consider myself an intermediate who's been in a rut for too long now. I've been using youtube alot lately but I feel I need some live instruction to move forward. Obviously (since I'm posting on this site) I am a huge fan of the dead and that's what I like to play. If you're in the NYC area and looking to chill out, play some music, and get paid helping a fellow deadhead out, let me know.
 #62347  by NashvilleMike
I had trouble finding a teacher a couple years ago who would focus on Dead tunes/style. I ended up with a jazz player (douche) but he did teach me modes, scales and timing. It ended up getting me well on the road to Garcia playing. Just saying don't be hung up on getting a head teacher.
 #62411  by augustwest75
Little bit of irony ... 6 or 7 years ago i did take lessons for about 12 months from a jazz teacher. he was an awesome guitar player but I got impatient and the lessons started to lose their effectiveness. then i got a new job and which caused conflicts with my lessons and that was all she wrote. i appreciate the advice though and will certainly keep an open mind.